Study of Prolonged Pregnancy between 40-42 weeks

Authors : Vibha Pandey; Swati Shiradkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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Prolongation of pregnancy complicates up to 10% of all pregnancy and increases the risk to mother and fetus. Post term pregnancy along with its dreaded complications causes significant anxiety for mother as well as obstetrician. Aim & objectives: To study the maternal and foetal outcome in prolonged pregnancy who delivered between 40-42 weeks. Material and method: The study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and hospital, Aurangabad from March 2019- March 2020.Total 237 antenatal women were included in the study who presented to MGM OPD and labor room during 40-42 weeks of gestational age. Results: There was no difference in percentage of spontaneous onset of labour in both the groups. The proportion was more in direct LSCS in 41-42 weeks but it is not statistically significant. There is no significant difference in bishop score of two groups. Response to induction was significantly good in 41-42 weeks in spite of no significant difference in the bishop score. Unfavourable foetal outcome was slightly more in 41-42 weeks. Atonic PPH was the most common maternal complication in 41- 42 weeks and the reason for ICU admission was haemorrhagic shock. Conclusion: Spontaneous onset of labour was same in both the groups so waiting beyond 41 weeks may not necessarily improve the chances of spontaneous onset. After induction the occurrence of vaginal delivery was more in 41-42 weeks, but maternal and foetal complications also increased in this group. We should individualise each case to go beyond 41 weeks and more efforts should be made on the ripening of cervix to decrease the chances of LSCS.

Keywords : Prolonged Pregnancy, Post Dated Pregnancy, Post Term Pregnancy, Induction Of Labour, Maternal And Fetal Outcome


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