Study on Properties of Geo-Polymer Concrete Using Steel Fibers

Authors : Jetty srinivas

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 6 - June

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There is rapid development in construction industry, which is also one of the important sources of there venue of the country. Construction industry provides a great source of employment opportunity, and also improves living standard of the people in the country. There is a lot of benefit from the construction industry, but there is a little disadvantage because of excess usage of cement in the construction. As the cement is a key element in the construction it emits some toxic gases like CO2 in the excess amount during Manufacture of cement To overcome this problem scientist has done a lot of research on it and finally a French scientist Davidovits found a compete cement replacing agent called GEO-POLYMER concrete. Geo-polymer is a concrete which is used instead of cement and is a binded mixture of elements fly ash and GGBS. Fly ash which is residue from the coal manufacturing industry and blast furnace slag are the key constituents for preparing geo-polymer concrete. Fine aggregates, coarse aggregates are mixed to it and finally water is added to prepare Geopolymer concrete. So in this study an attempt is made to know the strength of geo-polymer concrete by adding holed steel bars in the mix. By making 3 mixes with varying proportion of fly ash and GGBS like 1st mix with 70% fly and 30% GGBS, 2nd mix with 50% fly ash and 50% GGBS and finally 60% fly ash and 40% GGBS. For all the 3 mixes hooked steel fiber were added and from this cubes of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm and 21 in number were casted. And 21 cylinders with size 150mm dia and 300mm height and beams of size 100mm x 100mm x 400mm 21 in number were casted. And all the test specimens were tested for compression test, flexural test and split tensile test. And finally strength of geopolymer concrete with steel fibers is determined.

Keywords : Geopolymers, fly ash, Alkaline Liquids, GGBS, Steel fibers,


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