Water is very essential for sustaining life and is one of the most renewable resources on this planet for the existence of all living biota so it must be prevented from contamination and deteration in quality. In the present study the seasonal variations in the physicochemical parameters of See wan River of Madhya Pradesh India has been carried out during the month of January to December 2017. Four sites were selected for the above work and physicochemical parameters were estimated by employing standard methods. Physicochemical parameters include pH by Digital pH meter, turbidity by digital Nephelo turbidity meter, temperature by mercury in glass thermometer, conductivity by conductivity meter, transparency by Secchi-disc, Dissolved oxygen by modified Winkler-azide method, water hardness by Lind Method total alkalinity by titration method free co2 by titration method, Biological oxygen demand by using BOD incubator, chloride by silver nitrate method, Odour and colour.
Keywords : Physicochemical Parameters, See Wan River, Seasonal Variations.