The project entitled “Super-Resolution: A
simplified approach using GANs”, aims to construct a
Higher Resolution image from a Lower Resolution
image, without losing much detail. In other words, it is a
process of up-sampling of an under-sampled image. In
the current scenario, there is a high reliance on
hardware improvements to capture better highresolution images. Although many digital cameras
provide enough HR-imagery, the cost to construct and
purchase such a high-end camera is high. Also, many
computer vision applications like medical imaging,
forensic and many more still have a strong demand for
higher resolution imagery which is likely to be exceeded
by the capabilities of these HR digital cameras we have
today. To cope with this demand, a method to generate
an HR image is shown using Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs).
Keywords : Super resolution, Deep learning, GANs, Image enhancement.