Authors : Roberto Solís; Christian Quintana; Nelson Vejar; Claudia Alvarado; Joseph Rozas; Renato Zamora
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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The atmospheric images captured by the AllSky systems correspond to images of low visual quality,
so their subsequent study is limited to the optical
capabilities of the sensors with which they were
captured, improving these deficiencies based on recent
processing techniques of images based on superresolution not only allows to improve the levels of the
capture of transient elements related to the increase or
improvement of the level of definition or quality of the
images but also to recover the night sky in areas where
light and atmospheric pollution only allows to detect
faint light signals from stars and their different elements.
The objective of this work was to develop an algorithm
capable of increasing the faint electromagnetic signals
captured by the sensors and that are not visible to the
naked eye. This process is carried out by integrating the
pixels of a given astronomical zone and applying
different improvements focused on the pixels, generating
a single super-resolution image, with a greater amount of
data per pixel, from four low-resolution images. Being
the Matlab modeling software, the main tool for
developing the algorithm is achieving a 126%
improvement in resolution over the original capture
Keywords : Super-Resolution; All-Sky System; Pixel Integration; Transient Elements.