Decision making is an important thing that must be done by a company, because companies that do not carry out decision-making activities appropriately can result in high maintenance costs, causing complaints from customers. There are many decisions made by a company, one of which is making decisions regarding the selection of suppliers of goods to be used by a company. Selection of suppliers is important, where the selection of the right supplier of goods, not only suppliers who can provide quality material, on time, and affordable prices but also must provide quality, optimal service both in terms of responsiveness, flexibility, smooth communication and information .The method used to determine supplier alternative solutions based on several factors can be done using ANP. ANP or Analytic Network Process is a mathematical theory that allows a decision maker to face factors that are interconnected (dependence) and systematic feedback (feedback).This research was conducted at PT. UT. This study begins with a literature study first, and then proceed with giving a questionnaire to the company, where the results of the questionnaire are used as a reference factor of this study. After distributing the questionnaire, it can be seen that there are several criteria, namely price, delivery, quality, flexibility, responsiveness, service, guarantee and performance history and obtained sub-criteria namely giving discounts, bid prices, payment grace, component strength and others . Supplier cylinder itself has 3 choices of suppliers, namely PT. DU, PT. HT and PT. TR. After doing calculations using the ANP method with the help of Super Decisions software and manual calculations, the results of the selected supplier are obtained from the supplier of PT. TR with manual calculation priority value 0.4561 and super decision software 0.43612.
Keywords : Decision Making, Selection of Supplier, ANP