Be it agriculture, manufacturing or
production of energy, all are a part of supply and
demand mechanics controlling freights and container
ships, bringing the world’s industry together leading to
globalization of economy.
The world’s food, products were transported by
the shipping industry with supply chain as its core.
94% of the Fortune 500 companies are seeing covid 19
supply chain disruptions as per 2020 Forbes report.
Supply chains of today are very intricate and
interconnected; disruption at one part can spread in an
unpredicted manner.
This paper helps the reader analyze various supply
chain models and the impact of disruptions caused by
the pandemic. At first, it discusses supply chain
management and its risks due to pandemics. It then,
discusses a case study of Unilever restructuring its
supply chain system.
The paper also suggests a methodology for supply
chain management during pandemic. The outcomes and
insights of this paper can be used by decision makers
for risk management in supply chains and leads a step
for future research.
Keywords : Supply chain management; consumer; distribution; Unilever; efficiency; disruptions; supply chain.