Embedded systems spread out daily activities, both
wireless sensors and mobile equipments that collect and process
data for multiple purposes. Although data security on computers
and servers appears to be well controlled, securing them for
embedded systems with limited resources (e.g. memory, computational power, etc.) is a dare. In this paper, we investigated on the
asymmetric cryptographic algorithms in embedded systems. We
evaluated the performance of asymmetric cryptography algorithms
through Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) versus the RSA
algorithm. Specifically, we investigated on some cryptosystems by
using ECC protocols such as Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption
Scheme (ECIES), Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(ECDSA), Elliptic Curve Nyberg-Rueppel (ECNR) and RSA. We
then performed many tests that shown ECC algorithms are
more advantageous in terms of computing speed and memory
consumption over the RSA algorithm. We ended that ECCbased cryptosystems offer an attractive alternative to the classical
asymmetric cryptography like RSA, as it uses a short key size to
achieve an equivalent level of security. This makes it an attractive
and efficient alternative for deployment in embedded systems.
Keywords—Asymmetric cryptography algorithms, Elliptic curve
cryptography, RSA algorithm, Embedded Systems, encryption
scheme, digital signature