Survey on Detecting Abnormality in Crops Using Drone Images

Authors : Harshitha T, K Shreya , Neha S B , Dr. Srinivas Shetty

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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As the benefit of drones in agriculture increases, it is necessary to detect the problems in the crop prior stages.There is a large amount of loss to the farmers due to the pests that causes infection in plants lacking quality and quantity production. This helps the farmers to be proactive against their crops, having a knowledge about the water damage, compaction and disease detection to prevent the crops from further damage. Tremendous amount of work and expertise is needed for image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The combination of thermal and visual images provides an accurate way of detecting disease and identifying the loss of water to improve the production of the crops.

Keywords : Color Stitching, Disease Symptoms, Aerial Images, Precision Crop Protection, Color Blending


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