The objectives of this research is to develop a learning model in early childhood education which could forming fire disaster preparedness and to measure the effectiveness of this model. This development research was conducted in Kampung Muka DKI Jakarta.
This study was ran by the high level of risks children becoming victims of the fire disasters. Including the risk of losing things,being burn, or even losing their lifes.This development research resulted teaching module “AKU SIAP Kebakaran”. This learning model was developed using The systematic Design of Instruction (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2015) method. The model effectiveness test was performed with pre test & post test as measured by paired T test.
As expert review, it was stated that the model is suitable for early childhood preparedness learning. While the module effectiveness test stated that this model effectively improves fire preparedness skills of children in early childhood. As a recommendation, there should be standardization of fire preparedness training for early childhood and next model development of fire preparedness for children living in residential towers.
Keywords : fire, flame, preparedness, disaster, early childhood).