Whey is the largest and extremely alimentary by product obtained throughout producing of cheese, chhanna and paneer. For alimental and economic utilization of whey, technology for carbonated lemon beverage was developed by optimizing the speed of addition of juice i.e. 4.0 %, 4.5 %, 5.0 % and 5.5 % try to sugar levels i.e. 8 %, 10% and 12%. The common total solids(%), macro molecule (%),ash(%), antioxidant (mg/100 g) and total soluble solids (%) content in whey liquid varied from 14.47 to 18.45, 0.46 to 0.49, 1.03 to 1.09, 7.19 to 14.68 and 15.00 to 18.83 severally. the very best mean several 8.25, 8.16, 8.21, 8.20 and 8.29 certain consistency, flawed and sweetness/tartnes balance and overall acceptableness were obtained with interaction result of L2 × S2 (4.5 yellow granadilla juice and ten the troubles sugar). Most acceptable carbonated lemon beverage had time period of forty-nine day sat cold temperature (7±10 ℃).
Keywords : Paneer Whey, Lemon, Carbonation.