Authors : Carlos A. Bocanegra García; Nelson GustavoYwanaga Reh; Zoila Culquichicón Malpica
Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 2 - February
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Results of the “occupation of the coastal
territory on the environmental sutainability of the
wetlands of Huanchaco-Perú” are presented. The work
was carried out on base of the management and
processing satellite images, georeferenced databases that
serve to obtain past and present information, the method
used relates different sources of information from the
databases of the District Municipality of Huanchaco with
remote sensing images from Google Earth. The results
show accelerated growth of the mainly urban population,
settled on the coast in detriment of adjacent áreas
characterized by precaurious basic.
Keywords : Territorial Occupation, Coastal Strip, Wetlands Ecosystems.