Test the Effect of Some Methods of Breaking the Dormancy on the Germination and Growth of Johnson Grass Seed (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.)

Authors : Muhammad AL SAKRAN, Kamal Almhemed, Sena DAL, Tamer USTUNER

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/35iR93F

Johnson grass is one of the most serious weeds for agricultural crops in many countries of the world. The reason for this risk is due to its biological properties, like reproducing by seeds and rhizomes. Although it produces a large amount of seeds, its germination rate is very low and supports the seed bank in the soil. The reason for this low rate is the dormancy imposed by the impermeable coat of the seed. In this study, several methods of breaking dormancy of Johnson grass seeds were tested. Diverse eight treatments were applied: concentrated sulfuric acid, mechanical scratch, gibberellic acid, concentrated sulfuric acid + gibberellic acid, mechanical scratch + gibberellic acid, 24-hour immersion in distilled water, exposure to low temperatures (2°C) and control. Germination ratio, mean germination time, aerial part length, root length and seedling weight were calculated. There were significant differences in germination percentage between some methods. The highest germination rate was in the treatment of sulfuric acid + gibberellic acid (56.7%) and the lowest was in control treatment (3.3%)

Keywords : Breaking Dormancy, Germination, Johnson Grass.


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