Text to Speech Conversion for Visually Impaired People

Authors : Anjaly Siby, Anisha P Emmanuel, Chikku Lawrance, Jain Mariya Jayan, Prof. Kishore Sebastian

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/362r9tX

Visually impaired persons are those who have lost the ability of vision partially or permanently (blinds). This leads to difficulties in performing the daily activities such as reading, socializing, walking etc. Text and speech are the main communication medium for humans [1]. The number of visually impaired persons increases day by day due to different eye diseases like Cataract, Refractive error, Glaucoma, childhood blindness, age related macular degeneration, Diabetics etc. Here we set forth a camera based text reading mechanism that converts the text present on the paper using an auto focusing camera into speech which the person can listen to by using a pair of headphones. The proposed concept involves extracting text from the image captured using Tesseract Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and converting the text to speech. Here, we divide texts to Syllables so as to convert it to speech, where the sound of each syllable is prerecorded.


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