-Anaemia is commonest haematological
disorder that can occur in pregnancy. Thalassemia
syndromes are commonly found genetic disorders of the
blood. Beta thalassemia is considered as most common
single gene disorder in our country. Detection of
thalassemia is increasing nowadays. If a female with trait
marries a person of similar trait, baby can develop
thalassemia major which is lethal. Failure to differentiate
iron deficiency anemia from thalassemia may lead to iron
load which is hazardous to patient. So we conducted this
study to know the proportion of thalassemia trait in our
institution so we can add it to our routine ANC profile.
Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional
study was conducted from October 2017-October 2019
after due permission from ethical committee.
Keywords : Thalassemia trait, anemia, HPLC