Thamarapararani River and its Present Sediment Nutrient Status

Authors : Shaniya,V. S., JaslinSuji, V., D. DeleepPackiaraj, R. Raja JeyaSekar.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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Aquatic sediments are heterogeneous, dynamic and ;P:multicomponent chemical systems where continuous cycling and exchange of elements take place among water, biota and atmosphere. Sedimentology helps understanding the complex sediment water interaction process which is an environmentally critical aspect of study. Minor disturbances in the transporting agency have also affected the depositional processes which are imprinted in the deposited sediment. In the present investigation the present status of sediment nutrients like Organic Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus and C:N, C:P , N:P ratios were analysed to find out the impact of anthropogens in this lotic system of Kanniyakumari district. It was observed that there was a surge in these nutrients and their corresponding ratios in the water samples taken from station 3 (Kuzhithurai area) of this river. This finding brings out the polluted nature of this important water body which need immediate attention.

Keywords : Sediments, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, C:N, C:P, N: P.


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