The Affecting Factors of Reject Bottles in Bottle Washing Machine

Authors : Denny Tjatur Indarto; Niken Sulistyowati

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG832

Technological developments and business today are in a very fierce competition, many companies are trying to become the fronliner of the market leaders of their products, therefore many companies are trying to find innovation and diversification to be different from the others. The quality parameter is one of the most important things for the development of the company's business, without maintaining quality it is impossible for the business to develop, and to run smoothly and generate optimum profit. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of dirty bottle conditions, caustic concentration, contact time and temperature on reject bottles in bottle washing machines in relation to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of production machines in a beverage company. This type of research is a causal associative explanation to determine the cause and effect relationship of several parameters and this study uses the measurement from several different parameters. This study uses SPSS version 23 software application to describe, analyze correlation and multiple regression of the effect of reject bottles. Based on the research results, it was found that a significant influence between the independent variables (bottle condition, caustic concentration, contact time and temperature) had an effect on the percentage of reject bottles, but of the four parameters the most significant parameter for reject bottles was the bottle condition factor. It is necessary to sort the condition of the bottles, the caustic concentration must be maintained, the caustic solution is deposited to remove impurities so as to improve its performance, longer contact times and high temperatures can increase the cleaning process so as to reduce bottle rejects.

Keywords : Reject Bottles, Contact Time, Temperature


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