The Analysis of MSME Credit Decision Making at BRI Bank Warung Buncit Branch South Jakarta

Authors : Sukoco, Dr. Mirza,. ST,.MM

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 10 - October

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This study aims to analyze the influence of credit interest rates, service quality, credit procedures, loan term, collateral and bank location on the decision to take MSME loans. The sampling method used is probability sampling using a cluster sampling system, this method was chosen because it was considered suitable for heterogeneous respondents. This research was conducted by questionnaire method, conducted on 147 MSME loan customers at Bank BRI Warung Buncit Branch. Quantitative analysis includes validity and reliability tests, classic assumption tests, coefficient of determination R2, F test, t-test and multiple regression analysis. R2 value of 0.915 shows that 91.5% of the MSME credit decision-making achieved was indeed influenced by the independent variables (credit interest rates, service quality, credit procedures. Credit term, collateral and bank location) used in this study. Test the value of F 0,000; which shows credit interest rates, service quality, credit procedures, loan term, collateral and bank location as an independent variable simultaneously influence the decision making of the MSME loans.

Keywords : Credit Interest Rates, Service Quality, Credit Procedures, Credit Term, Collateral, Bank Location, Credit Decision Making.


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