This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of quality, reliability and security of EChannel BNI Syariah on Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction. The population in this study is the customers of BNI Syariah. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling method, with data analysis techniques employing linear regression using the F-test and t-test. Based on the discussion and research done, conclusions may be drawn as follows: 1) Quality of service affects the satisfaction of Islamic bank customers, the results of the analysis show that with increasing quality of service, Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction will increase 2) Reliability influences Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction, the results of the analysis show that with increasing reliability, Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction will increase. 3) Security of E-Channel BNI Syariah influences Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction, the results of the analysis show that with the increasing security of E-Channel BNI Syariah, Islamic bank customer’s satisfaction will also increase.
Keywords : Quality of Service, Reliability, E-Channel Security and Customer Satisfaction.