In today’s day and age market participant face a costly and complex labyrinth of challenges that have become the new normal. The arrival of increased computer speed and increased access to better data allowed a lot of these problems to be solved. Many financial firms still face the burden of using outdated analytical methodologies and databases. In order for these firms to remain competitive they need to overcome data issues and use OR techniques to decipher the data and figure out the appropriate level of risk with which to maximize profit and minimize loss. If a firm is able to utilize data in the best manner possible, they can easily be set apart from their competition giving them a strong competitive advantage. The next big challenge is to be able to frame contextual data to the complete story at the time of trade. This will help them to serve their trading customers better and maximize the firm’s potential for brokerage revenues. Additionally, the increasing number of new financial regulation also gives opportunities to financial service firms. Also, the traditional system can’t handle complex equations employing several variables, hence those need to be modified as well as per current market standards.
Keywords : Data, Financial Firms, Analytical Methodologies, Databases, OR Techniques, Financial Regulations, ComputerIntensive Systems