This research aims to determine the
application of teaching methods of learning inquiry to
improve the learning outcomes of grade V-C SDN
Gading I Surabaya. The natural sciences lesson in the
V-C class of SDN Gading I Surabaya was found,
Students still study individually, lack of cooperation
among students, and also teachers give fewer
opportunities for students to find themselves concepts in
SCIENCE learning. This research was conducted at
SDN Gading I Surabaya with the subject of class V-C
students from 40 students. The research draft used is
class action research (PTK) developed by Kemmis
& Mc. Taggart, includes four stages of 1) planning,
2) Acting & are, 3) reflecting and 4) revise plan.
While the instrument used is a test sheet. The results
showed that the application of learning methods of
inquiry guided to the learning of the heat transfer
Grade V-C students at SDN Gading I Surabaya can be
well implemented, In two cycles with cycle I and cycle
II. From the data analysis results obtained the average
student learning results experienced an increase from
cycle I to cycle II by 16.73 with an increase in the
study's satisfaction of 22.5%. Thus that the cycle II can
be expressed successfully and proven application of the
method of inquiry is able to improve student learning
outcomes of grade V-C SDN Gading I Surabaya.
Keywords : Guided Inquiry Method, SCIENCE Learning Results.