Authors : Victor Campos de Albuquerque, Ibrahim Andrade da Silva Batista, Érica Dayse de Sousa Melo, Marcus Aurélio Loiola Silva, Thalles Nunes da Silveira e Oliveira, Vicente Clinton Justiniano Flores
Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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Alcohol intake throughout the gestational
period increases the risk of complications to the fetus.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is linked to several
occurrences in this phase, such as precipitation of labor
and abortion, among others. The purpose of this study
is to verify the association between alcohol consumption
and the increased risk of pregnancy complications. It
has been noted that in recent years there has been a
reduction in the rate of reduction of deaths due to
infectious diseases, and in contrast, an increase in
deaths attributed to congenital malformations. What
has been observed is that this use of these substances
has been increasingly constant. Considering the harms
that the consumption of alcohol by pregnant women
generate, there is a duty by health professionals to make
a good history prenatal period to detect the possible
consumption of these substances. Prophylaxis for
women should be based primarily on the emphasis on
reporting the various harms and harms that ingestion of
this substance can cause to the fetus, as the physical and
mental disorders that may occur as a result of alcohol
use in pregnancy are completely avoidable if the woman
stops taking this intake. Thus, in addition to
highlighting the need and importance of total abstinence
from alcohol during pregnancy, it is important to clarify
their potential harm; so that child mortality from these
causes can be reduced.