The Attitude and the Willingness to Pay of the Climbers for Repairment of the Climbing Path on Mount Talang

Authors : Asrul, Mahdi, Afrizal.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

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The objective of the study is to calculate the value of the willingness of the climbers to pay for the repairment of the climbing path on Mount Talang using Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), which identifies the attitude of the climbers and the willingness to pay toward it. The research method employs the survey method of questionnaire and direct interview with 100 samples. The sample of the study is the climbers who have climbed Mount Talang. The result of the willingness value of the climbers with the amount of pay is IDR 11.700, explains that the climbers are willing to pay that amount of IDR 10.000 retribution fee for the previous climb. The total value of the climbers’ willingness is IDR 183.128.400 per year based on the calculation of the willingness value in 2017. The attitude of the climbers toward the climbing path on Mount Talang shows that 54% of the climbers have shown proenvironmental attitude and 46% have not proenviromental attitude toward the climbing path of Mount Talang. There is a positive relation between the attitude of the climbers and the willingness to pay in which those climbers who have pro-environmental attitude have a higher willingness value than those climbers who have not.

Keywords : The willingness to pay, Attitude, Contingent Valuation Method.


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