The Best Method to Create a System of Plagiarism Detection in Arabic Documents

Authors : Amier A Frag Gebril, Samer S Ibrahim.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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The point of this treatise is create system to disclosure copyright forgery in Arabic language texts The study will explain how to create a system to identify stolen documents . Moreover, This article will contain couple of concepts, the first one is domestic and the second is global. The global segment is heuristics-based, in which a possibly appropriated given paper is utilized to build a lot of performer inquiries by utilizing diverse best executing heuristics. These inquiries are then presented to Google by means of Google’s pursuit interface to recover source records from the websites. On the other hand, the concept of local will compares and checks between the stolen parts from source papers recovered from the Web.

Keywords : Discover- Framework- System- Plagiarism- Documents.


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