The Comparation Effect of Aerobic Training on Low Intensity and Moderate Intensity in Vo2max Adolescence with Active Smoker

Authors : Ayu Permata; Renni Hidayati Zein; Nova Relida Samosir; Ismaningsih; Sari Triyulianti

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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Vo2max is used as an indicator to determine aerobic ability. Aerobic ability are closely related to the cardio system and the respiratory system in effort to supply and use oxygen in the body. Adolescence is the age where the level of physical fitness and arobic endurance is the highest and can still develop. However, if at the age of adolescence has become an active smoker it will damage aerobic endurance. The effect of smoking on various organ systems is the cause of the greatest mortality in the cardiovascular system. In the case of adolescent active smokers, physiotherapy helps physical fitness, increases endurance and especially increases Vo2max levels. Physiotherapy intervention for physical fitness is low intensity aerobic exercise which can increase the maximum oxygen volume which can increase the maximum oxygen volume (VO2max). This research method is pre-experimental with a before and after deisgn. The research ssample was 10 active smokers with an age range of 19 – 21 years. The results showed that the Pre and Post significance value was p = 0.003. The conclusion of this study that low aerobic exercise intensity can increase VO2max in adolencent active smokers

Keywords : Aerobics Moderate Intensity, Adolescents, Active Smokers, VO2max, Physiotherapy.


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