The Development of Folklore Enrichment Books with Character Education Values for Junior High School

Authors : Suparti; Suhartono; Rosalia Aristiati

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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This research is motivated by the urgent need for the development of folklore enrichment books containing the values of character education. The formulation of the problem in this research is (1) how is the need for enrichment book development, (2) what are the principles of enrichment book development, (3) how is the prototype of enrichment book development, and (4) how is the acceptance of developing an enrichment book to write folk tales containing character education values for junior high school students.. This research approach is Research and Development. The results showed that (1) teachers and students needed folklore enrichment books containing character education values, (2) the principles of enrichment book development used the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy, (3) succeeded in realizing an enrichment book prototype. which was developed from the results of the research compiled based on the applicable curriculum, and (4) 75% of the sample could receive a folklore enrichment book containing the values of character education as a textbook for junior high school students

Keywords : Enrichment Book, Folklore, Character Education.


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