The Discovery of Self and The Quest for Freedom in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God and Toni Morrison’s Sula and Tar Baby

Authors : Accolade Raju

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Black women faces the wind of oppression from all side, be it physical, emotional, mental. Until and unless when a person realises the sense of self, this sense of self leads to a sense of power on oneself which leads to the quest for freedom. The dissertation overshadows upon the suffering of a black woman and how the realization of self and the development of self takes place which triggers to break-free from the clutches of all societal bonds as well as patriarchy. The paper argues that through the discovery of self and through the trials and tribulations, tracing the oppression of black women and through the acceptance of one’s self leads to the transformation. Through the exploration of oppression, subjugation and discovery of various self leads to the hidden path of freedom. This liberation and quest for freedom is gained through recognizing one’s own potentialities and being aware and taking small rebellious steps to take a stand for oneself leads towards empowerment of oneself and gaining confidence and embarks towards the quest for freedom.


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