This study aimed to analyze the effect of
accounting learning achievement on interest in
continuing studies in the Accounting study program. The
population in this study consisted of twelfth-grade
students at Senior High Schools in Ilir Barat I of
Palembang, totaling 102 students. The questionnaire was
tested for validity and reliability before collecting
research data. The hypothesis was tested by regression
analysis. This study indicated a significant effect on
accounting learning achievement on students’ interest in
continuing their studies in the Accounting study
program with a correlation coefficient of 0.696.
Hopefully, the results of this study will be beneficial for
schools, colleges, and students by explaining the
description of students’ interest in studying Accounting
study program in the form of career prospects and
salaries of the accounting profession for students;
therefore, the students will get some ideas of the majors
they will choose.
Keywords : Accounting, Learning Achievement, Interest.