The Effect of Brand Image and Social Media on Customer Retention through Customer Satisfaction at Kaliwatu Adventure

Authors : Mukhlas Rofiq; Achmad Firdi; Harianto Respati

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG293

This study aims to determine the effect of brand image and social media on customer satisfaction related to customer retention in the adventure tourism destination, Kaliwatu Adventure. This study uses primary data from the results of a questionnaire filled in by 100 respondents, i.e. rafting visitors at Kaliwatu Adventure. Brand image and social media influence customer retention through customer satisfaction, which means that customer satisfaction as mediation can increase the effect of brand image and social media on customer retention at Kaliwatu Adventure. This research proves that in the field of adventure tourism, brand image and social media directly influence customer retention.

Keywords : Adventure Tourism, Brand Image, Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction, Kaliwatu, Rafting, Social Media, Tourism.


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