This research aims to test the influence of
career development and job satisfaction on the
commitment of employee organizations of PT. Tatamulia
Nusantara Indah. The study was conducted on 147
respondents with systematic random sampling and
accidental sampling. Based on the hypothetical test
results using SPSS 25.0 on the multiple liner analysis
model shows that career development and job
satisfaction variables have a significant and positive
impact on employee organization commitment as well as
career development and job satisfaction together have a
positive and significant impact on employee organization
commitment. Based on the results of the coefficient
determination test obtained the effect of free variables on
bound variables by 52.4%. Based on simultaneous test
results obtained that the signification value is less than
alpha (0.05) so that the independent variables have a
significant effect. For inter-dimensional correlation, on
career development variables the strongest dimension on
employee organization commitment of PT. Tatamulia
Nusantara Indah is a work achievement dimension with
a value of 0.508 and the dimension that has the strongest
influence on job satisfaction is a promotional
opportunity with a value of 0.593
Keywords : Career Development, Job Satisfaction, Employee Organization Commitment