The Effect of Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship Knowledge on Entrepreneurship Motivation and Their Implications on Interest in Entrepreneurship

Authors : Dwi Hafsari; M. Havidz Aima; Hernawati. W. R. Wiratih

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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This study aims to determine and explore the effect of advanced advertising and enterprising information on pioneering inspiration and suggestions for innovative premiums in SMEs in the West Jakarta region (a contextual analysis of SME entertainers, leader of West Jakarta city hall). DKI Jakarta has OKE OCE program that oversees SMEs in Jakarta within 7 stages in the program. During the primary stage of registrants, there are 9,280 SMEs and in the last stage of capital, there are 79 SMEs. In this study, the researchers use quantitative investigative techniques with information on the selection strategy review from 79 respondents. The inspection technique used is stochastic examination with basic irregular testing strategy. The analytical technique used in this study is SmartPLS rendition 3.0. The results of the study reveal that: 1) digital marketing has no significant effect on entrepreneurial interest but it has a significant effect on entrepreneurial motivation; 2) entrepreneurial knowledge has a significant effect on entrepreneurial motivation and interest in entrepreneurship; 3) entrepreneurial motivation has a significant effect on entrepreneurial interest; 4) entrepreneurial motivation significantly mediates digital marketing on interest in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial motivation significantly mediates entrepreneurial knowledge on interest in entrepreneurship.

Keywords : Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship Knowledge, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Interest.


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