The Effect of Discipline, Compensation, and Training Development on Employee Performance in RSUD Bima

Authors : Muhammad Nurhidayad, Charles Bohlen Purba

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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This research was aim to determine the effect of discipline, compensation and development training on employee performance partially and simultaneously on the performance of RSUD Bima employees. The population in this research was 240 people. Sampling using the consensus method. Data collection techniques with questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data analysis uses validity, reliability, classic assumptions, multiple regression and correlation between dimensions. Hypothesis testing using the T test, F test, and the Coefficient of Determination using SPSS version 25.0. The analysis shows that Discipline has a partially positive and significant effect on performance. Dispensation has a partially positive and significant effect on performance. Development training has a partially positive and significant effect on performance. As well as discipline, compensation and development training altogether affected the performance of employees by 92.7% and the remaining 7.3% by other variables. Discipline is a dominant variable and has huge influences to the performance of employees at RSUD Bima.

Keywords : Discipline, Compensation, Development Training, and Employee Performance.


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