Authors : Farida Arinie Soelistianto; Martono Dwi Atmadja; Yani Ratnawati
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG421
Temporary waste collection (TPS) is not
carried out with proper management, causing
environmental damage. Piles of garbage collected at
TPS come from disposal of domestic waste. To handle
waste, waste handling procedures must be carried out,
namely 3P (collection, transportation and disposal). If
handling is not carried out, the land where the TPS is
located will experience damage to the ecosystem.
According to PP. 18/2008 states that waste management
mandates that for each type of waste management
efforts are made to limit and reduce it, except for
disasters. Soil from piles of garbage changes its natural
environment. Chemical elements resulting from the
decomposition of waste due to being buried for years
produce leachate (waste water). Wastewater damages
microorganisms in the soil, especially from inorganic
waste. Soil chemical properties are determined by the
pH level or what is known as soil acidity (pH <7). Soil
acidity can be increased by liming the soil. Limestone
can increase calcium in the soil so that it can restore soil
fertility and normalize soil pH. Dolomite is one of the
agricultural limestone which has material from
mountain limestone and shells. Dolomite lime is used to
increase the pH of acidic soils or soil pH <7. The
purpose of this study was to determine the stability of
the former TPS with liming and its effect on mustard
plants as phytoremediation. The results of observation
and testing of used TPS liming treatment by applying
variations of soil waste, dolomite lime, and husk
charcoal. The treatments were divided into groups P0
(control), P1, P2, P3 (sand without dolomite). The results
showed that the soil pH ratio of 1: 2: 1 (P2) reached a
stability of 6.8 compared to other treatments.
Meanwhile, from observations of green mustard plants,
the highest average number of leaves was 16 on the 21st
day, while the stem height was about 5.6 cm (P2). The
average root length measured on the 21st day was 12.5
cm (P2). The conclusion is that the higher the dolomite
mixing ratio, the soil acidity quality of the waste
becomes stable, but the effect on mustard plant growth
is not optimal.
Keywords : Lime-Dolomite, TPS, mustard greens, soil pH, soil acidity of waste.