Learning outcomes are one of evaluation parameters for schools to measure students’ achievement. This research was conducted on students of SMP Negeri 141 Jakarta. The authors wanted to know the factors determined learning outcomes and focused on emotional intelligence, learning interest, and discipline. The method used the proportionate stratified random sampling technique with 83 respondents, 51.53% from 8th grade and 48.47% from 9th grade. This research was conducted quantitatively with multiple linear regression analysis by testing the hypothesis. The results showed that 78.3% of learning outcomes were influenced by variables of emotional intelligence, learning interest and discipline, while the remaining 21.7 % was influenced by other factors outside of this study such as teacher performance, learning facilities and school culture. Emotional intelligence, learning interest and discipline together have a significant effect on students’ learning outcomes of SMP Negeri 141 Jakarta. This means the higher emotional intelligence, learning interest and student discipline, the higher the student’s learning outcomes.
Keywords : Emotional Intelligence, Learning Interest, Discipline and Learning Outcomes.