The Corona virus pandemic has had a major
impact on employee performance and job satisfaction
for hospitality business employees. Closure of hotels,
restaurants, cafes, and bars, the decline in the amount of
income and termination of employment for its employees
are impacts that have disrupted employee
performance and job satisfaction of employees who are
still working in the hospitality business.This study aims
to find out how the performance. The research data
were collected using a questionnaire filled out by 103
respondents. The IBM SPSS version 25 program is used
to process demographic data, frequency, mean test,
validity test, reliability test, correlation and
research regression. The results showed that the
overall mean of employee performance was 4.0755
(good) and job satisfaction was 4.0717 (satisfied). The
relationship between Employee Performance and Job
Satisfaction in the Pearson correlation analysis states
that it is 0.715 (strong) with a positive and unidirectional
relationship. Employee performance affects job
satisfaction by 51.1%.
Keywords : Employee Performance; Job Satisfaction; The Covid-19 Pandemic