The Effect of Individual Characteristics, Competence on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of IKM Batik in Pamekasan

Authors : Farid Firmansyah, Ida Aju Brahmasari, Ida Aju Brahma Ratih

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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Internal challenges are a form of weaknesses experienced by IKM Batik such as the life of IKM Batik which is unstable due to a decrease in performance, difficulty in determining the priority scale of fulfilling employee rights, and inability to provide welfare. This research is intended to state the truth with evidence and analyze the influence of individual characteristics, competencies, job satisfaction and employee performance of IKM Batik in Pamekasan. This study used a population of 1,691 people and a sample of 196 employees of IKM Batik. The method of data analysis used in this study was SEM (Structure Equational Modeling) with AMOS. Based on results of the discussion, it can be concluded that of the five hypotheses proposed in this study, three hypotheses were accepted namely H1, H3 and H5, meanwhile, the two hypotheses were rejected namely H2, and H4

Keywords : Individual Characteristics, Competence, Job Satisfaction, And Employee Performance.


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