This study aims to examine the effect of ZI
Development on improving employee performance. The
author collected 38 questionnaires from respondents who
are employees of BPS Kabupaten Jember and tested the
simultaneous and partial relationship with the assumption
test. The results of this study explain that of the 6 pillars of
ZI development, the Administration pillar has a significant
negative effect on improving employee performance in the
scope of BPS Jember Regency. Meanwhile, the other five
pillars do not have a significant effect on improving the
quality of performance of BPS Jember employees. The
results of this study are expected Supporting the BPS of
Jember Regency to be able to carry out ZI Development
institutionally and as a reference and evaluation material
to continue to improve the quality of individual employees
so that they are expected to be able to achieve the title of
the Zone of Integrity and also be able to run the wheels of
the organization supported by superior human resources.
The role of all components in BPS Jember is absolutely
necessary to achieve this goal. Not many previous studies
have examined the relationship between the Integrity Zone
Development variables and the improvement of the quality
of employee performance, but in this study also considered
the role of all components in BPS Jember to continue to
play an active role in improving the quality of their human
resources. This is what underlies the originality and also
the novelty of this research.
Keywords : Bureaucratic Reform, Building Integrity Zones, Improving the Quality of Performance.