Employee job satisfaction at work is a factor
that must be considered by organizations or agencies,
where such attention provides opportunities to develop and
reduce pressure at work so that employees can feel
comfortable at work and can improve the performance of
these employees. There have been many studies examining
the impact of employee job dissatisfaction. Experts agree
that employee performance should be equal to job
satisfaction. Based on many studies, the effect of job
satisfaction on job performance can be explained by
several factors. In this study, researchers are interested in
researching what are the factors in job satisfaction at the
Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works
and Public Housing. In the initial survey results obtained
by researchers, there are three main aspects in realizing
employee job satisfaction at the Directorate General of
Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing,
namely internal motivation, work environment and
competence. In measuring the relationship between these
three variables with job satisfaction, researchers used the
SmartPLS application. The results show that both internal
motivation, work environment and competence both have
a significant positive relationship to job satisfaction. Of
these three variables, internal motivation is the most
dominant variable affecting employee job satisfaction at
the Directorate General of Housing. This of course should
be a special concern for the Directorate General of
Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing in
order to increase employee job satisfaction in order to
create good work results from employees.
Keywords : Job Satisfaction, Internal Motivation, Work Environment, Competence, PLS, Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing