The purpose of this study is to explore the
simultaneous effect of job satisfaction, compensation,
and job motivation on turnover intention at PT Valdo
Sumberdaya Mandiri. This study uses a Partial Least
Squares (PLS) 3.0 approach, where a qualitative survey
is conducted using a purposive sampling sample of 102
full-time employees at PT Valdo Sumber Daya Mandiri
who have good work experience. The survey is
conducted using a questionnaire with a google form that
is distributed randomly to see if there is a significant
relationship between job satisfaction, compensation, job
motivation, and turnover intention. The results of this
study indicate that the three variables have a positive
and significant effect, while for the F test, the results are
that job satisfaction, compensation, and job motivation
have the same effect on turnover intention.
Keywords : Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Job Motivation, Turnover Intention