The Effect of Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, and Employee Engagement on Employees Performance of Pt Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer

Authors : Novita Herlissha, Setyo Riyanto

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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In dealing with competitors that more strictly company should have human resources with a good performance to be able to stay in competition and be able to achieve the company's objectives..This study aim to identify and analyze the effect of job satisfaction, work motivation and employee engagement on employee performance either partiality or simultaneously. This research was conducted at PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer, with respondents 56 employees or the entire population of employees of PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer. This study uses research instrument such as questionnaires distributed to employee of PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Data is processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 23. The result showed that Partial test (test T) job satisfaction variables has influenced positive and significant on employee performance PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer. Motivation variables has influenced positive and significant on employee performance PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer. Employee engagement variables has influenced positive and significant on employee performance PT Inixindo Persada Rekayasa Komputer. The result showed that simultaneously (test F) job satisfaction, work motivation, and Employee Engagement influence has positive and significant on employee performance.

Keywords : Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation, Employee Engagement, Employee Performance.


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