The uncontrolled development of land use and the increasing of intercity transportation’s movement in the main corridor cause the decreasing road’s level of service in Lawang – Singosari Street. The policy of Malang – Pandaan toll road development is expected to be able to decrease the congestion on the artery road. The aim of this study is to count the impact of land use in the road’s level of service on Lawang – Singosari street. The vehicle’s movement from the land use’s activities is analyzed using multiple linear regression, meanwhile, the analysis method used for the movement of continuous traffic and branching road is traffic flow and traffic diversion curve analysis. The result of this study shows the contribution of the attraction and generation volume of movement due to 33.5% of land use. The development of Malang – Pandaan toll road affects to the volume of the continuous traffic which is diverse through the toll road that reaches 61% and causes the increasing contribution of the attraction and generation volume of land use due to 50.1%.
Keywords : Movement Model; Land Use; Road’s Level of Service; Toll Road.