Authors : Ahmad Wandri; Defri; Dewi Rahmayanti ; Yusnita M. Goretty Sikaraja; Anne Putri
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 12 - December
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- The purpose of this study was to determine
the effect of leverage, sales growth, and company size on
profitability in automotive companies and components
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2014 to
2018. The number of samples studied in this study were
65 samples consisting of 13 companies with 5 research
periods. This study uses multiple linear regression as an
analysis tool with the Eviews 9.0 program to test the
hypothesis. The research results prove that leverage has
a negative and significant effect on profitability, sales
growth has no effect on profitability and firm size has no
effect on company profitability. Leverage variables, sales
growth, and company size affect profitability amounting
to 49.92% while the remaining 50.08% is influenced by
variables other than the variables under study.
Keywords : Leverage, Sales Growth, Company Size, Profitability.