The aim of this research was to test and analyze
the effect of occupational safety and health (X1),
organizational culture (X2), communication (Y1) as the
mediating variable on the organizational performance
(Y2) the research method was a quantitative approach.
The research population was 150 employees at PT. PEM.
Questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents
used Likert Scale with 5 levels of answers. The data
collection techniques employed were interview and
questionnaire. The questionnaire survey sheets were sent
randomly to the employees of PT. PEM. Then the data
were analyzed using Smart PLS (Partial Least Square)
version 3.2.8 the results of this research are as follows.
The occupational safety and health variable had a
positive and significant effect on the communication
variable, the occupational safety and health variable had
a positive and significant effect on the organizational
performance variable. Besides, the organizational culture
variable had a positive and significant effect on the
organizational performance variable, and the
organizational culture variable had a positive and
significant effect on the communication variable.
Keywords : Occupational Safety And Health, Organizational Culture, Organizational Performance And Communication.