This study was conducted to obtain empirical
evidence and to discuss the effect of operating cash flow,
sales growth, and operating capacity in predicting
financial distress in all manufacturing companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019.
Method: This study is based on an associative
quantitative approach and is assisted by the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program.
Findings: The results shows that operating cash flow had
a negative effect on financial distress, and sales growth
also had a negative effect on financial distress, while
operating capacity had a positive effect on financial
Practical Implication: This article can be used as a
consideration for companies in terms of prevention so
that companies avoid financial distress. In addition,
users of financial statements can be used as a
consideration before making an investment decision so
that they can find out indications of financial distress in
a company.
Significance of the study: The results of this study can
provide useful contributions and information for
company management to determine the effect of
operating cash flow, sales growth, and operating
capacity in predicting financial distress so that
companies can take policies to take corrective or
preventive action.
Keywords : Operating Cash Flow; Sales Growth; Operating Capacity; Financial Distress.