The purpose of this study was to find a model of business strategy can create business growth weaving industry sector. As well as analyzing how strong the influence of business process orientation on the growth of weaving industry sector businesses in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This study aims to predict and develop theories so that the appropriate analysis tool used is the SEM equation based on partial least square (PLS). This study explains the position of the variables studied and the relationship and influence between one variable and another variable. The population in this study were all types of weaving industries in Wajo Regency based on the data from the Wajo Regency Central Bureau of Statistics in 2018. The total number of business units managed cloth, sarongs, silk and non-silk as many as 6,093. The results of this study indicate that Business Process Orientation has a positive and significant effect on Business Growth in the Weaving Industry Sector of Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province.
Keywords : Business Process, Business Growth.