The study aims to examine the relationship
between population uniformity, political competition,
and citizen participation with the Human Development
Index (HDI). The political competition and citizen
participation of both national and district-level elections
as a political dimension, population uniformity as a
social dimension and average per capita district
expenditure as an economic dimension has been used as
predictor variables to explain HDI. Three ecological
belts, i.e., Mountain, Hill and Terai, and seven Provinces
have been generated as dummy variables. The average
per capita district expenditure and population
uniformity was found to be statistically significant at 99
percent to predict HDI. Still, there was a negative
relationship between population uniformity and HDI.
The competition index of the first past the post and
proportional election of the Constituent Assembly (CA)
was not found to be significant to explain HDI. There is
the highest contribution of Province One to HDI among
the seven Provinces
Keywords : Human Development Index (HDI), Citizen Participation, Political Competition, Ethnic Uniformity, and Government Expenditure.