Generally, low ability to comprehend the
written text was still a problem for senior high school
students. Therefore, the writer offered a solution by
applying the PORPE strategy to teach reading
comprehension. The aim of this research paper is to find
out whether or not there was any effect on students’
reading ability in comprehending descriptive text among
students taught using PORPE strategy and who were
not. Quasi-experimental research design used as the
method of the study. There were 40 students taken as the
sample. The samples group consist of two groups namely
experimental group and control group. The writer
selected class X IBB as the experimental group and class
X IPS 4 as the control group. In collecting the data, the
writer used the reading test and documentation as the
research instruments. The test was multiple choice test
that consisted of 20 items. The test was given twice to
experimental and control groups as a pretest and
posttest. The data of pretest and posttest were analyzed
using independent sample t-test in SPSS 16 program to
verity the hypothesis. The writer concluded that the poutput from independent sample t-test (sig. 2-tailed) was
0.000 which was lower than 0.05 and t-value 4.670 was
higher than t-table with df=38 (2.024). Therefore,
teaching reading comprehension using PORPE strategy
has any effect on students’ reading ability in
comprehending descriptive text
Keywords : Effect, PORPE Strategy, Students’ Reading Skill, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Text