The Effect of Product Differentiation Strategies and Low Cost Strategies on Competitive Advantage and Company Performance (Study on Small Scale Apparel Industry in Malang)

Authors : Pantjawati Yustikarini; Prof. Dr. Taher Alhabsyi; Dr. Hj. Tri Murni., M.Si

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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This study aims to determine and test the Effect of Product Differentiation Strategy and Low Cost Strategy on Competitive Advantage and Company Performance in the Small Scale Apparel Industry in Malang. This type of research is quantitative (Explanatory), with a sample of 35 from 54 populations. Primary data collection using a questionnaire. Analysis of research data using Path Analysis. The results of the Inferential analysis show that the Product Differentiation Strategy (X1) and the Low Cost Strategy (X2) together have a significant effect on Competitive Advantage (Y1) with a R Square value of 0.713. Based on the regression analysis between the independent variable and the dependent variable partially shows that all independent variables have a significance of t < 0.05. The results of the Inferential analysis also show that the Product Differentiation Strategy (X1) and the Low Cost Strategy (X2) and Competitive Advantage (Y1) on Company Performance (Y2) have a significant and joint effect on Company Performance (Y2) with an R Square value of 0.705. Based on the results of the regression analysis between independent variables partially dependent variables indicate that all independent variables have a significance of t < 0.05 Thus, the hypothesis proposed in this study has been tested because the Product Differentiation Strategy and the Low Cost Strategy have a significant effect on Competitive Advantage

Keywords : Product Differentiation Strategy, Low Cost Strategy, Competitive Advantage, Company Performance


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