The background of the research is based on the
actual situation that occurred in Telkomsel in 2018 where
there was a phenomenon when sales increased but revenue
per ARPU decreased. This study aims to analyze the effect
of product quality, promotion, and price on the decision to
purchase service products provided by Telkomsel. The
research data used are primary data derived from
questionnaires and secondary data derived from company
data. The population in this study is the users of Telkomsel
service products to date in the DKI Jakarta area. Because
the population is not known with certainty in number
(accidental side), then the technique or formula used is in
accordance with the theory. In this study there were 26
questions, so the number of samples taken in this study
was 140 samples (28 questions x 5). The analytical method
used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results
showed that product quality, promotion, and price
influence purchasing decisions. Product quality is a very
strong variable influence on purchasing decisions.
Keywords : Product Quality, Promotion, Price and Purchase Decision.