According to signaling theory, information
published by the company could give a positive or
negative signal to the investors. These signals could
influence an investor’s decision whether to buy or sell a
company’s stock, which can affect the stock price in the
capital market. One of the information that can be
received by investors is the company’s financial
performance which is represented by financial ratios. This
research aims to analyze and determine the effect of
profitability ratio (proxied by Return On Equity) and
market value ratio (proxied by Price-to-Earning Ratio) on
a company’s stock prices that are listed on the IDX30
Index for the 2018 to 2020 period. The method in this
research uses a quantitative approach by using multiple
linear regression analysis. With the purposive sampling
method, there are twenty companies selected to be the
research samples with sixty observations. The results of
the research concluded that the Return on Equity (ROE)
and Price-to-Earning Ratio (PER) have a positive and
significant effect on the stock price.
Keywords : Stock Price, ROE, PER, IDX30